
September 30, 2015

Tips & Tricks: Save Time with Auto-Approve Shifts

One of the most popular features we’ve recently introduced is Auto-Approve Shifts.

Managers love the ability to create shifts and simply let their employees claim them instead of having to oversee the entire process.

Here’s how it works.

To enable the feature, head over to Admin > Account settings and find it.


Check the box and then make sure to go back to the top of the menu and click “Save Settings.”

After refreshing, it will be enabled.

Once you’ve created a new shift, click on Set up Open Slots to determine how many employees you need to work that shift.


Now you can select how many employees you need on the shift.

Once you’ve done that, click on Back to Shift and then Save & Close to record the changes.

Remember, the whole point of this feature is to not assign anyone to the shift. You are simply creating it and letting your employees know how many of them are needed to work it.

Once you’ve published the shift, your employees who are qualified to work the shift will be notified through Humanity that there is an available shift that they can pick up.


After clicking on the link, your employees will be able to see the available shift and request to work it if they want.


If they request to work the shift and there are no conflicts, the request will be automatically approved.


That’s it. There’s no need for you to approve the requests with this feature enabled, the employees who want the shift will automatically be assigned to it.

It’s a great feature if you want to decrease the number of notifications you are getting as a manager and feel as if you don’t really need to micromanage the entire scheduling process.

Check it out and let us know whether you find it useful!