
August 15, 2012

How Do I Change The Main Account User In Humanity’s Application?


Whether you are delegating responsibilities, changing management staff or revamping human resources, sometimes you make changes to your staff permission levels or change the main user on your Humanity account. To change the main account user or the admin, you first need to sign in to your account. You will be brought directly to the ‘Dashboard’.

From here, click on ‘Profile’ to view and edit any of your profile settings. Under here, click ‘Permissions’ under your profile picture. On the right-hand side, you can select a new main user from the dropdown menu.

Only staff with a Manager permission level are going to be authorized main account user options. If there are no manager level staff members, you will need to add one by changing their position level (in their profile) and then return to this screen to select them as the new user.

Check out our video below to learn more about changing the main account user on Humanity.

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