
January 10, 2013

Humanity’s Employee Location Tracking with GPS Tracker—Perfect for Contractors


At Humanity, we do our best to develop features that will benefit you and your business. This new GPS location feature is perfect for businesses that have employees working at various remote sites, such as contractors. In our application, we already have a web-based time clock terminals feature that can be set up at specific stations in static locations. With this new employee location tracking feature linked to the time clock, employees are able to clock in and out from dynamic locations and still allow managers to track exactly where the employees are actually clocking in from their mobile devices.

Under the ‘Admin’ tab, there is a ‘Require GPS data when clock in & out’ option. If enabled, the time clock will grab the user’s browser GPS location upon check-in and out and will display the corresponding map along with the timesheet information.

Hover over the green clock in time or the red clock out time when managing time sheets to view the location pinpoint on Google Maps.

This new employee location tracking with GPS hover is also available in the ‘Time Clock’ Overview section as well as when editing a timesheet.

We hope this new employee location tracking with GPS feature integrated with our time clock system allows contracting businesses to worry less about employees showing up for work at remote locations and focus more on providing their services.

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